Make Your Own Ricotta – So Easy!!!

Great for gnocchi, cheesecake, and making into spreads for quick company appetizers, try this when you have some extra milk on hand.

6 c. dairy milk (the higher the butter fat, the more fresh curds)

1/2 t. salt

1/2 t. sugar

Juice of 1 fresh lemon, strained

In a larger saucepan, mix the salt and sugar with the milk over medium-low heat. Gently bring it to a low boil, then stir in the lemon juice, and lower the heat. Let it simmer for 10 minutes.

Take it off the heat, cover it, and let it sit for 10 minutes.

Put a strainer over a stable bowl, and lay half a clean cotton kitchen cloth across it. Pour the curds into the strainer. If the bottom is sitting in the whey, pour that off into an appropriate jar…DON’T throw it out!

Cover the curds with the rest of the cloth, then put a dish that will fit inside the strainer on top of the curds. Then put a weight, like a can of soup, on top and let it sit on the counter overnight.

In the morning, use your ricotta in a recipe, or store it in the fridge to use over the next couple of days.

The whey is nutritious, but hasn’t got much flavour, so is great for adding to soups.


Orange Spread For Pumpernickel

Mix in some grated orange peel and honey to make a delicious Scandinavian spread for an open-faced breakfast sandwich or snack.

French Herbs & Garlic

For a lighter version of garlic and herb cheese spread, add a minced clove of garlic and about a teaspoon of Herbs de Provence, with a few grinds of black pepper. Great on cheese or water crackers. Just brush your teeth before kissing your sweeties!

About Shucky

Shucky is a retired home cook who lives in Brampton, Ontario. She has been cooking since childhood and became interested in nutrition and alternative medicine, which she has been following since 1969. Her particular interests in this area are special diets, international cuisine, and offering recipes that are, insofar as possible, quick and simple to make. You can also follow her at Shucky's Kitchen on WordPress.

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